Welcome to Purple Squirrel Agency

Our Mission: Crafting arresting, forward-thinking visual content by uniting the best ideas with top-tier technical practices.


Infused with the vigor of our principles, Purple Squirrel embodies youthful energy. With an eye on the fleeting cutting edge, we seize today's opportunities while propelling towards tomorrow's triumphs.


Born from the vibrant fabric of New York City, our essence is undeniable. We channel the city's diversity, dynamism, and challenges into every project, urging clients to find significance in life's minutiae.


We're students of both film and art, infusing projects with Classic Hollywood's essence while embracing modern techniques. Our work contributes to a grand legacy, built upon a profound appreciation for cinematic visionaries.


A dedication to quality propels us at every development stage. Whether it's a small-scale art project or a grand production, Purple Squirrel maintains unwavering quality and professionalism across the board.